Why I’m Wearing 31 Dresses in 31 Days in December (Again!)

Dress, shoes, hat and bag: @MoreThanYourAverage

Today’s post is not sharing what I’ve been wearing or styling tips but instead a fundraiser I look forward to every year and an important discussion that informs my long-held commitment to purchasing secondhand and sustainably.

The fashion problem

The fashion industry creates its fair share of chaos around the world from children working in unregulated factories, young women working in predatory “home-work” for luxury goods providers, and families poisoned by the dye companies use to make garments. Many of these people are trapped in predatory work environments or entangled in modern slavery. Helping to break chains for those who are enslaved in the and free those who are helpless is the mission of Dressember. That’s why my focus every December is raising money to make things right through a Dressember fundraiser.

The Global Slavery Index‘s 2018 report, published by the Walk Free Foundation, states that $127.7 billion worth of garments at risk of including modern slavery in their supply chain is imported annually by G20 countries, a group of nations which account for 80 percent of world trade. These imports help underwrite a global economy that trapped 40.3 million people in modern slavery in 2016, 71 percent of whom were women. This means that even in developed nations where forced labor may seem unthinkable to the average citizen, consumers are still supporting slavery in a crucial way — through our imports of clothing, tech and other commodities.

What is Dressember?

Why a dress? Have you ever sponsored a friend for their 5k or sent a little extra money for a friend starting up a charity? Well, Dressember works similarly to that 5k…except my challenge involves no running and instead wearing a dress all of the days of December. To be fair, it gets very cold in December so this can be pretty difficult but it’s all for a good cause…plus you get to see me style 31 dresses! SO fun!

The Goal

Last year I reached my goal of $300 with your help EASILY (read more about the challenge last year) and this year I’m raising my goal to $1000.

Today on Giving Tuesday, I’m matching all donations made on my Dressember page!

Where will your donation GO? Read more about how you can help victims of modern slavery, trafficking and forced labor.

Can’t Donate?

Of course, every little bit helps (seriously, even a dollar or two adds up!), but I know sometimes it’s just not in the finances. So what can you do to make the world a little better place? Buy second hand first, consider renting your clothing, host a clothing swap, consume and buy less, think about packaging your products come in, do your best to do research on where you buy and avoid brands that are not ethically transparent. Really want to help? Share this post on Instagram, Facebook, or wherever! I appreciate you!

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