My Ectopic Pregnancy Story

My Ectopic Pregnancy Story

Today, August 1, is Ectopic Pregnancy Awareness Day. I haven't told my story, but I know many of you who read my posts in October 2021, were astute enough to figure out something wasn't right, or had your own miscarriages, or knew those who had and were able to guess at what I meant. I know many of you have secretly experienced pregnancy losses and haven't known how to talk about them or even how to think about them.

FabFitFun box vs. AllTrue (Causebox)

FabFitFun box vs. AllTrue (Causebox)

Over the past few years I've been loving my two quarterly fun boxes, FabFitFun (which I'm sure you have heard of) and my new-to-most favorite, AllTrue (which just changed names from "Causebox" but is the same thing). Which is better, FabFitFun or AllTrue box (now Causebox)? Which do you like more?

Where to Buy Cute Face Masks for Your Next Trip to the Store

Where to Buy Cute Face Masks for Your Next Trip to the Store

If you've taken a #maskie in the last few months, you're not alone! Super high fashion and super cute cloth face masks have been popping up more and more ever since CDC recommended wearing cloth masks for the public to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. However, if you're anything like me, realizing the fact that cloth face masks aren't going anywhere both has you mourning your favorite lipsticks and also secretly excited to have another opportunity to show your face mask style in this new pandemic society we live in!

You’re Invited: November Events with The Low Low Style

You’re Invited: November Events with The Low Low Style

Have you ever wanted to shop my closet or a curated rack just for you? If you've ever wanted me to style you...this month is your CHANCE! Below, a full round up of fun events, great deals, and size-inclusive fashion fetes for the rest of the month

Where to Eat Whole30: A DC /Virginia Guide

Where to Eat Whole30: A DC /Virginia Guide

Updated: 1/4/2022 See here for more about Whole30 and my favorites / a body-neutral way of looking at doing Whole30 In January of this year I spent 30 days eating whole foods on a super easy (ha!) eating plan called Whole30. Basically I couldn't eat sugar, grains, dairy, or drink. While it's definitely NOT easy, [...]